Friday, July 28, 2006

Registration and a couple more pics

Because Dad asked, here's the very convoluted way we register for classes:

IFSA-Butler, aka COPA enables us to take classes in la Pontificia Universidad Catolica (PUC or la Catolica), la Universidad de Chile (la U) and la Universidad de Diego Portales (UDP). We can take all in on or one in each, it doesn't matter. We also automatically take a Spanish language class with just the COPA kids. So that leaves three. We look through our course catalogs and select at least ten we find interesting. On Monday, we're going to meet with Isabel, the COPA woman who takes care of all things scholastic, to look over the classes and get her input on which we should take (that is, which we're capable of passing). Then we spend the next week or so window shopping, visiting each class, talking to the profs, Chilean kids, the COPA people, each other, etc. By August 11 we have to have our schedules finalized so we can enroll for real. That process is different at each school. At la U we just fill out a form online. At PUC we have to fill out paper forms for each faculty we want to enroll in (they're a lot more distinct and autonomous here than in the States). At UDP we have to fill out a general form. Then we have to register them all with COPA with a different form. Then we have to take a nap.

Anyhow, here are a couple more pics of things I thought y'all might like to see.

La casa Ilabaca

El Item y La Niebla

The little river I walk along to get to the metro

My metro stop, Principe de Gales; it's a year old

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