Thursday, February 25, 2016

where'd you go, bernadette

Clever, enjoyable, quick read, but ultimately kind of of whatever. Made me sad at parts and the only time I remember laughing out loud is a throwaway dick joke. The rest of the humor I get but just isn't that funny. Semple is too compassionate to do the Tom Wolfe thing of creating characters for whom she has total contempt, but there's a little bit of cheap-shotting that's a turn-off for me. Bill Bryson does the same thing in some of his books, like the one about small towns. 

Saturday, February 20, 2016

the yiddish policeman's union

Loved it. Wonderful world-building, Chabon never overplays Sitka and consequently it's a completely believable alternate reality. And on top of that it's a really good murder mystery with excellent antiheroes and excellent villains. 


Enjoyed but wasn't blown away. Kind of overdone ending, not all that memorable even a week after finishing it.

the name of the rose

Eh, whatever.