Thursday, July 06, 2006


YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY!!!! I don't have to have a renal arteriogram and spend all day in the hospital with a wire in my leg!!! The doctor I saw today was very nice and seemed a whole lot less worried about me than my internist was. That being said, I'm on a 24-hour blood pressure sample, which means I have the rare privilege of wearing a cuff around my left arm, attached to a clunky machine thing on my belt. Every 20 minutes it beeps, inflates and takes my blood pressure and heart rate. 24 hours. Dr. Patel, the nephrologist (kidney doctor) I saw today, was very clear and calm and reassuring. So either he's a better actor than my regular doctor or (more likely) he knows more and so knows not to be too worried. So that's nice. Anyhow, now I'm home alone with the dogs, gonna do some laundry from the trip and make lunch. Or maybe I'll order in. Congratulate myself for the good news (see? gospel? I know Greek! just kidding). Okay time to go. I should come up with some consistent sign off for these things.

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