Friday, July 14, 2006

closing in

Went to see Patel the kidney doctor again this morning, turns out all is well. False alarm. Everyone freaked out because I'm leaving so soon, but really there doesn't seem to be a problem. That being said, I'm still going to monitor my BP once a week while down there. Just realized that Mom and Dad read this, too, so I'm going to have to be a little more careful about how I word things. For example, I was going to add "or so" after "once a week" above, but decided not to because I knew they'd ask about it. Funny how that works out. Part of the point of this blog for me is to have a place where I can write in a generally careless, freeform, uncensored way about what's going on in my head or in my life. But here I am, self-editing. Going to have to make a choice in the near future about whether to fight that urge (to self-edit) or submit to it.

The stress of leaving is starting to build, and on top of it I'm not getting any sleep because I've got people to see at night and Jenna's here and I have appointments in the morning so I can't sleep in. It's actually a miracle that my reading was 115/84 at Patel's today. That's the lowest reading I've had since this whole ordeal started. Hurray, red herrings! Okay, gotta call Jenna and then figure out how the fuck I'm going to work all this stuff out and get everything I need to get done, done before Tuesday. Time to send up a prayer to the god of errands, whomever he or she might be. Two very interesting theological debates brought up in that last sentence, but I won't get into them now because, well, just because. Power to Jon Stewart, partisanship forever, and down with the radical right. GORE IN 08!!!


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