Sunday, July 16, 2006

Mom Dad Linc Jack



Larry said...

How can you describe the photo of "Dad" as "self-explanatory"? Let us hear your thoughts about the obvious anguish and torment he feels, his despair at the evils of this fallen world. Or perhaps about "Dad's" eagerness to reach out and connect through the blogosphere.

Mister Suss said...

by self-explanatory, i meant it's obvious who's who. except, well, i guess people who don't know us wouldn't know that jack is the blond and lincoln the surprised one. but if they read this comment, they will...

and dad, before reading too deeply into it, sit back and think, "man, that's a funny picture of me." because it is. you don't look angry, you look like you're doing an impersonation of angry.

Larry said...

My comment was meant to be tongue in cheek. It is a funny picture of me, and I like that. Love, Dad