Wednesday, July 05, 2006

home early

Well, turns out I'm home a little earlier than expected. Seems I have to have some more tests and maybe surgery for my high blood pressure. I am nervous and don't really know what to think. I hate it when doctors tell you that you have a little problem...and it's not too serious...but they want you to come back for some more tests...then they want you to see a specialist...and it's not too serious...It's so nerve-wracking to think that they're being disingenuous, but not really knowing. Maybe it's not serious, the surgery I might have is outpatient, but then again my doctor was very firm about me getting this dealt with before I leave, so it's serious enough that it can't just go away on its own or wait around for a year. Oh well, there's nothing I can do but do what she tells me to do. So instead of driving around New England with Mom and Jack for a few days we bought a gajillion-dollar flight home from Portland and Linc and Dad met me at Dulles and we drove home tonight. Said goodbye to Jack for the last time until December!

In much happier news, our trip in the White Mountains was incredible. We had amazing weather the whole time. The second day we were in a cloud most of the time (literally, visibility was 20-25 feet) and there was a thunderstorm/hail warning, but that never materialized and the super low visibility was really cool. Like in the movies, people would come in and out of the mists, first as silhouettes and then as full people and then they'd disappear again behind us. Eerie. Then for the third and fourth days it was clear clear clear, even on Mt. Washington! We could see the ocean from up there! We were all a little sore after, but it was really fun. Now we're home with the dogs, who, in another bit of great news, are both healthy and running around and wrestling each other again, which they haven't been able to do for more than a month! Mom and Jack are still in Maine with John and Chris and Charlotte, then tomorrow will drive down to Boston and then Conway, MA, where Mom will drop Jack off for his bike trip and then come on home via NYC. And I'll see Jenna either Friday (if this surgery doesn't completely obliterate me for the day) or Saturday (if it does). And in two weeks from today, I'll be in Santiago! Whoa. Okay time to put some sheets back on my bed and then fall asleep in it, I'm exhausted.

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