Thursday, July 27, 2006

The past three days...

...Have been pretty good. Making better friends with some of the kids here, which is cool in a way but also bad because it means I'm speaking a lot of English. That'll change as soon as all the Chilean kids get back from vacation and classes start again (for them, I mean...obviously). Anyhow we toured la U de Chile on Tuesday and the buildings were kind of shabby (in places actually looked like an old chop shop). But the people were super nice and apparently the classes are great despite the facilities' appearance. Also, there was an insane painting on a wall of the Facultad de FilosofĂ­a y Humanidades that made me feel SUPER welcome as an American, and by super welcome I mean...well, I'll take a picture of it when I go back and then you'll see what I mean.

Yesterday we went to la Universidad de Diego Portales, which is very young but already very good and has GORGEOUS buildings and "infraestructura." People were really cool there, too, and some students even came and talked to us after the intro speech. The speech was a little annoying because we had to get up early and go to the COPA (what they call the program I'm on down here) office to hear Valeria give, practically word for word, the same speech, then chill for a while, eat lunch and go to UDP to hear it all again. We should have just met at 2 and damn the COPA office. Oh well. After that some people went home and some went to Tim(Wilkins...there are two, the other's name is Becker)'s house, which is next to UDP and then Tim and Rosie and Amalia and I went back to Amalia's with a bottle of wine and some kind of pisco drink and played spades for hours. Fun times. In further fun news, Elan and I have pretty much come to the point where either of us can just look at the other one and burst out laughing. I'm not exactly sure how this happened, but there you go. So basically I've been laughing a lot today and my cheeks kind of hurt.

Speaking of today, we had to wake up reeeeeally early to go the International Police office to register our visas. It was far away but in a cool part of Santiago that I hadn't seen before, and the main boulevard there has an absolute knockout view of the Andes, which we could see today for the first time in a few days due to lots and lots of rain. But today was nice and after we were done with the po-po the spades crew (that being those kids mentioned above in relation to spades) went out for some breakfast. Then we went to another office, in Providencia, to get our Chilean IDs. That place is supposed to be like the DMV but worse, but it wasn't actually so bad. We do have to go back to actually pick up the cards, though, which is really annoying. All in all, though, my most bureaucracy-heavy day so far wasn't that bad. Also we had lunch in a good restaurant, which was a great find because the food here (except in my house and at la Naturista) has been pretty bad. Anyhow my eyes are closing, so the specifics of how to register and whatnot that Dad requested on the last post will have to wait. Time for a siestita. More later, I'm sorry about how boring this post was. Play-by-play without color commentary really sucks. ¡Chao!

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