Saturday, July 29, 2006

reading play-by-plays of other people's lives is interesting

I think it's wonderful how much you can tell about a person just based on how they talk about themselves and things that are going on around them For example, I just started reading a girl on my program's blog (you don't know whether it's yours, Rosie, so don't give me no guff), and it's so cool to me to see this experience that we're having partially together through her eyes. My view has been kind of pessimistic and down a lot of the time but she's bursting with excitement and openness and I immediately want to try to be more like her in that way.

Today wasn't very interesting. I slept most of the day away (I have not been getting enough sleep here, also I was badly hung over this morning and into the early afternoon). Luz Maria mothered over me while I was in bed and I can't help but think how generous a person she is, to take a new person into her house over and over (I'm far from her first American student) and feed and take care of them and laugh with them and talk to them and expect nothing in return. I really lucked out with her. Also, she cooked a really good lunch/dinner (when lunch is at home Luz Maria usually makes a big meal and then heats up the leftovers for dinner) tonight: grilled chicken, rice with vegetables and salad with quesillo, and of course, as always, tea.

On a super bright note, MDLJ called! It was so wonderful to hear their voices and check in, I only wish I hadn't been so tired so I could have made more interesting conversation that writing can't touch. I hope they get Skype soon so we can talk more. Email is fine but something is added when you can hear a person's voice. Glad to know they're all well and keeping busy, and especially that the dogs are their normal selves. One or the other was sick for a month up until the week before I left, but they got better and stayed better and I could hear them trying to scare off an evil doorbell-ringer while I was talking to Mom. Also I'm trying to make a mix that gives an overview of the music I like, because that's such a common question when you're getting to know someone and it would help to at least have a list in my head that represents what I like. If I ever figure that out, I'll post the track list.

Tomorrow I plan to get up earlyish (other people are going out tonight but I have elected to take it easy given the level of last night's...excitement), shower and then explore my neighborhood, because I haven't really done that yet. I've driven through most of it and walked to the metro and back a ton of times, but it's time to figure out just where the supermarket, pharmacy, cafes, cheap places to eat, etc. are. I'm kind of excited about that and I promise to take lots of pictures. Also I have to put together a list of classes I want to take so I can meet with Isabel on Monday and figure out my schedule. It'll be nice to have a set schedule. I think part of what's been hard for me has been the chaotic nature of getting used to a new city: not waking up at the same time every day, not knowing exactly where I'm going, not knowing anyone, seeing something huge and new everyday. I've loved it so far, despite finding some things hard or disappointing (¿cachai, horrible overpriced italian restaurant in providencia?). It's so exciting to be here and I can't wait to keep exploring. That's enough for now, I meant to just write the first paragraph of this post but, to paraphrase Mark Twain (I think it's him), I'm sorry I wrote such a long post, I didn't have time to write a shorter one. And now, I return to East of Eden and bed. Sweet dreams.

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