Sunday, October 08, 2006


Tonight, instead of going out, I cooked myself some pasta and sausage, planted myself in front of the TV and watched Get Shorty, Lost in Translation and the end of Swim Fan. Francisco came in around the middle of Lost in Translation, somewhat drunk, and tried to talk to me about the movie but I was trying to watch and he just kept talking and making wisecracks about how I was being cold and dramatic and finally I said, "Look, I'm trying to watch the movie," and he went away. He's a very inconsiderate person, really just doesn't pay attention to what other people want unless they bang him over the head with it like I did tonight. He's funny and interesting and likes me, so usually it's not so bad, but sometimes I just want to yell at him. But other than that mild unpleasantness, I had a terrific night. Unless something really horrible happens tomorrow, I think this weekend can already go down in the books as a great success. As to the movies: Get Shorty is one of my all-time favorites and it was my fourth or fifth time watching it, Lost in Translation was interesting and actually if it hadn't been right smack in the middle of the movie, while people were talking and things were happening, I would have liked to talk to Francisco about what he started saying about the movie being a meta-stereotype. Like I said, he's interesting. Swim Fan sucked. Now, it's time for bed. 'Night.

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