Saturday, October 14, 2006

i shaved

Finally, I just did it. I asked Luz María where I should go to get my hair cut, and she told me about a place around the corner. I went, sat down right away, paid 4900 pesos and walked right on home. Beautiful day, today. I got my stuff together right away, camera included (photos of the process below) and went to the upstairs bathroom, where the light is way better, and commenced. It feels really weird but I'm really glad to be free of the beard. I like the way I look with it, but a break was necessary, it was starting to drive me crazy. Okay, enough words, here are the pics:

The longest it got

This is how my beard looked most of the last year

Thought I'd have some fun with it. Tried striped but they were harder than expected, so I went with the half-beard look instead.

And then the half-fu manchu. Or whatever you call this thing.


1 comment:

Larry said...

Now you see it, now you don't! What has been the reaction of Luz Maria et al.? And don't forget your sunscreen!