Sunday, October 08, 2006

the 100th post

Well, it's been 149 days since I started this thing and I've finally hit 100 posts. I guess that means I haven't kept up with my original intention to post every day, but that's all right. I kind of feel like this would be a good time to comment on the mental and emotional benefits of writing down what I've been doing and thinking, but I don't really have any deep thoughts to share on the subject. I have really enjoyed and appreciated being able to use this tool to basically keep a journal, something I've tried to do multiple times during my life but always failed at. Something about the typing, and the knowledge that there's an audience...but that last part can't be it because I've started journaling for myself, too, in my school notebooks. Freewriting, mostly, just spitting out what's on my mind without thinking about what I'm saying. Being able to look back later and say, "Oh yeah! I remember doing/thinking that!" is really quite nice and I'm sorry now that I haven't been doing this for longer. I started out with the intention of using the blog for commentary, observations, meditations and things like that, but it has turned more into a chronicle, with a few of those things thrown in when they come to me. I'm mildly disappointed in my lack of deep thoughts and astute observations, but maybe my expectations were too high. We can't all be Octavio Paz. And a chronicle is still helpful and fun to write.

Anyhow, as for today, I was going to go to the Precolombino with Laura and them but they left about half an hour ago, so I'm left to my own devices instead. That's fine, I think I'll work on Ficciones and maybe go try and find a decent cafe in walking distance of my house, which I still haven't done. The ones downtown are so much closer to class and everything else. Maybe take a nap. I would love to go running, because it's beautiful again today, but I'm not sure that'd be good for my shoulder. It's feeling a lot better, but I still don't have my full range of movement and I definitely still can't exert more than a tiny bit of force with it. Instead I think I'll go to a park and sit outside. Not as satisfying, maybe, but worthwhile all the same. First, I'm going to eat lunch. Luz MarĂ­a has gone off to visit family (she has a LOT of family) with Francisco, I'm not sure where David is, and my lunch (meat, rice, salad...Oh, Chile) is in the kitchen waiting for me to put it together. There's also the remains of the pasta I cooked last night. Cooking in a strange kitchen, by the way, is a lot harder than I ever thought it would be. Anyhow, using the microwave is as easy here as at home, and that's what I'm going to do now.

To everyone who reads this (and I'm sure there are at least three of you), thanks for reading, hope you've enjoyed yourselves so far and gotten something out of my babbling, even if it's just to know what I'm doing.

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