Sunday, October 01, 2006

finally went to bellas artes

Today, I wandered around for a long time with Rosie looking for an open place to eat lunch, found one, ate there, wandered around looking for el Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes in the wrong place, found the Museo de Arte Moderna instead, went inside, looked at everything, liked a bit of it but not most, found the MNBA, went in, thought it was okay, got a milkshake (oh yes...), watched a bit of a reggae show in Plaza Italia, came home, ate once, talked to Luz MarĂ­a, David and Francisco, came in here and suddenly was overwhelmed by exhaustion. I don't have as much homework as I had thought yesterday, which is nice, but still, the prospect of doing it makes me even sleepier. So I'm going to do that and then call it an early night. Except the new season of the Sopranos is on at 10. Oh MAN I'm glad I remembered that. Okay, time to get cracking on my moronic Spanish essay. Wish me luck. 'Night.

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