Monday, October 02, 2006

nothing to report

Okay so the title is a lie. I took my first real test down here today (Relaciones entre Europa y América Latina) and I think it went really well! Although who knows, maybe the professor grades really hard. Well, it's over with and I'm relieved. I have another test in that class on Wednesday (today was a makeup because I missed the first one due to my shoulder), which ought to be a little harder. Oh well. Other than that, my day was pretty damn boring. I ate lunch with Katie, went to Spanish class, hung out with Rosie for a while (she was in a weird mood, let me tell you) and then came here. I'm going to go make dinner today and then try to get a little homework done before tomorrow, when I have to do homework all day (although part of that is watching a movie and then writing a baby essay about it). 'Night.

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