Saturday, June 16, 2012

slightly better

Things off to a slightly better start today than they ended yesterday. I slept in. The rest calmed me down. I apologize for yesterday's rant. Feels good to do that every once in a while, though.

The Marhaba lady told me I could store my bags in lockers outside the hotel so I don't have to pay the $84. Also, even if I wanted to I couldn't because they don't transfer bags for people on my flight. Whatever. Bought some reasonably-priced (!) socks and a pair of boxers, showered, and I'm ready to go. So I'm going to get my stuff together, leave it in a locker, and see something of Dubai. Plan now is to meet Jenny at Mall of the Emirates, where the indoor ski slope is. Then I've got to come back 5-6 hours before my flight to allow time to check in. Apparently it's a madhouse in the evening.

Anyway, T-25 hours or so until I touch down. Almost there.

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