Monday, June 04, 2012


Now that we're not going to Skardu, we spent a good chunk of yesterday figuring out what to do with the rest of the week. Part of that was figuring out whether I might be able to go to Skardu, if just for the launch ceremony on Thursday (the US ambassador is going!), but my flight for Kabul is at 7 AM on Saturday so that's really not an option. You can't go unless you have a buffer of time on the end to get back. The planes just don't fly in bad weather or in the dark, so you can be stuck for two, three, four days while you wait for a flight. Not an option right now. C'est la vie.

So we've got some meetings, and some documents to prepare and review, and of course the normal work from home that I guess we won't be as behind on as we otherwise might have on a trip.

We were at work pretty late last night and then I went to the gym. Rest-pause is an efficient way to set up hypertrophy-focused weight lifting. You get a lot of reps in at a moderate weight in a relatively short amount of time. There are a bunch of variations but they're all predicated on using a weight that you can do for 10-12 reps, 15 tops, for the first set. The leg press here does not have enough weight to limit me to that. This is more a consequence of the equipment here being inadequate than of my strength: 190kg is simply not a lot of weight if you don't have to stabilize it. Therefore it ends up being more a muscular endurance thing, which is fine but meant that it set me up to feel a wee bit nauseous by the end of the workout. Well, it feels good to have worked hard. My jump rope skills are improving, too.

Just ordered room service last night and watched the first appealing thing other than Al Jazeera or BBC that's been on since I arrived: the SEC track and field championships. Random as hell, but whatever. I enjoyed it. Then sleep. This morning talked to Claire, which is a nice way to wake up, and now it's time for breakfast.

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