Sunday, June 10, 2012

flu? or just the food?

Went to bed tired and frustrated last night for inability-to-work-out reasons. I did end up stretching for 30-40 minutes in my room, which is good but not a substitute for the real thing. Fell asleep around 10:30 having muddled my way through a few more pages of The Charterhouse of Parma and woke up at...wait for it...4:30 in the damn morning. For an emergency bathroom trip. Spent the next two hours trying to go back to sleep but mostly unable to because of a combination of getting up every 30-45 minutes to visit the toilet and generalized whole-body discomfort. I say whole body but it's been focused so far mostly in my hips (???) and head and neck. I don't think I have a fever but this feels like more than just food/water poisoning.

Oh well, gotta suck it up and try to get on with the day. Talked with Claire for half an hour or so, which was nice but I was too out of it to be much of a conversationalist (sorry Claire). Then ate breakfast -- the yogurt I picked up yesterday was an excellent, excellent choice -- and now I'm here at FOCUS. Going to leave in a few minutes to register with the Ministry of the Interior Foreign Affairs, which Gul Ahmad and Aziz and I laughingly realized yesterday I haven't yet done. Oops. It was cool to spend some time with each of them yesterday: Gul Ahmad on my errands and Aziz later on as we waited for the car to come back and drive us home. Aziz in particular has quite a life story, although not a terribly uncommon one by Afghan standards. To give a glimpse: in the late '90s he and his family fled to Karachi and lived in a tent for a year and a half. He spent his whole late childhood and teens in Pakistan before coming back to Afghanistan six or seven years ago.

Later on this morning I'll go over to AKF and try to sort out the rest of the week from their side. If I still feel like garbage I might go home early and try to rest. No sleep though. Not trying to fuck with my sleep schedule any more than strictly necessary.

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