Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Well, after finally getting home on Sunday evening and taking yesterday off, I'm back at work, trying to catch up. So far, so okay. Tomorrow and Thursday are going to suck, though.

Also, I kind of hate The Charterhouse of Parma, so I stopped reading it. In DXB I bought Freakonomics, and read the entire thing in the first two hours of my flight home to LHR. My reaction is, "Oh, that's neat." It's like Gladwell but Levitt and Dubner actually seem to know what they're talking about. At one point, maybe in the original NYT story Dubner wrote about Levitt, which is appended, some noted economist says (paraphrase), "I can't find anything wrong with Levitt's work for the life of me. But somehow I still don't believe it." I agree. It's somehow too neat, too self-consciously clever. Still fun and easy to read.

Now I'm finally, finally reading Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy.

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