Friday, March 09, 2007

ups and downs

Well this week was kind of strange. Things have been going really well in Chile: I like my family and house, except for the lack of internet; I've been getting lots of exercise running and playing frisbee and I feel like I'm becoming more a part of the frisbee crowd than I got to last semester just because I'm in the group memory now and I'm going regularly and playing hard; I've started visiting and registering for classes, and I've got two set that I'm excited about: Armed conflict and the politics of humanitarian work and Contemporary Chilean literature. I think I'll have my schedule wrapped up by the end of next weekend, including English teaching and possible yoga classes (!) and frisbee and all that. This looks like a busy semester, which makes me happy.

On the other hand, things at home haven't been going to so well. I finally got to talk to Jack and Mom (and Lincoln, too, in RI), which was great.

Today I'm going to hang out in the office for a little while, even though Airlie is in the other room YELLING into her computer on Skype, making use of the free internet, then hopefully go up to Las Condes to a track I saw there to run some more. I've fallen in love with running, I just hope I can keep it up. It'll be easier if I can find a stopwatch to use today so I can time myself and thus be able to set some goals. Also there's a 10k on April 1 that I want to run. I'm sure I could do one this instant, but my time wouldn't be that great, I'd like to run it in 45 minutes (a 7:15 mile pace). That might be a little lofty given my current physical state, but I can dream, can't I? In other news, I finally took some pictures of my new house, which I'll get up as soon as I add one of the outside and of the Pilars themselves and upload the lot.

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