Friday, January 19, 2007

yesterday blogger was being stupid

Also, yesterday we had an earthquake and I felt sick all day. I tried to go to the concert (day two in the Festival Internacional Providencia Jazz: Escalandrum and Contracuarteto) last night but left early. My chest hurt and I had a headache and it was getting cold. Of course, the instant I was out the gates I started kicking myself because I really should have just sucked it up. I'm sure the concert was awesome and I'm really pissed at myself still for leaving. But at the time it seemed like a good idea; I really did feel like crap. I'm a lot better today, and I'm getting pumped for the Tube Factory/John Scofield show tonight. Also, yesterday I called Nicole--she was in a meeting but I gave the guy who answered the phone my number and hopefully I'll hear back from her today about having lunch sometime in the near future. AND, more importantly, I finally worked up the balls to call my new host family. The daughter, Pili hija (mother and daughter are both named Pilar) picked up and said that she'd talk to her mom about me coming over this weekend! Pili will be at the beach but it'll be nice to see the apartment and meet my new host mom! So here's hoping both those things come to fruition.

In other news, I'm pretty pissed off at Stephen Colbert right now. His appearance on O'Reilly Factor SUCKED. This is the man who absolutely demolished Bushco and the entire mainstream media right in their faces, and yet got too wrapped up in his character to really do anything but a few subtle jabs. O'Reilly on Colbert Report was a lot better (including a much better stab at O'Reilly's phone sex scandal), but still! This could have been Stewart-on-Crossfire-eating-Carlson-and-Begala-alive good. And it wasn't. I guess I'm not pissed, really just disappointed. Oh well, it's okay, Stephen. I still love you. Anyhow lunch is served and I don't want to keep Luz MarĂ­a waiting, so bye-bye for now.

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