Wednesday, January 10, 2007

no ross or dan

Dan called me around 10 to say they hadn't ordered yet at the restaurant and could we hang out tomorrow or something. I'm leaving for the beach tomorrow about noon, after taking care of some more paperwork at COPA, and they leave for Valpo on Sunday, so that's kind of disappointing. But they get back from Valpo a week from Sunday, and will be in Stgo for a couple of days, so we'll just have to hang out then. So tonight I'm going to watch V for Vendetta (which I've always wanted to see despite iffy reviews).

In better news, I can go to Peru and Costa Rica after all! THANK YOU DAD AND MOM!!!!!!!!!! Sorry, I'm not usually one to overdo the punctuation like that (except ?!?!?!?!?, which I really like). However, here I think it was merited. Also, tomorrow I leave for Algarrobo! That ought to be really nice, I'm actually going to finish packing as soon as I finish this post. Which will be soon, right after I gleefully point out that Stephen Colbert and Bill O'Reilly will be appearing on each other's shows in the near future. Bill O'Reilly is a disgusting moron and Stephen Colbert is a bona fide genius. This ought to be fun like when Jon Stewart went on Crossfire and basically destroyed Tucker Carlson and Paul Begala. I look forward to the inevitable YouTubing of the shows, because I obviously won't be able to watch down here. That's all for now, sorry to be so boring this post. 'Night!

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