Saturday, January 27, 2007

gross injustice... what I will do to the past few days, given my state of tiredness and the fact that I won't have time to write anything more before I leave at the crack of dawn on Monday. I had a wonderful time with Grandpa and Marinell. We saw some great things, had a good time in Valparaiso in Viña, and ate good food. It was also great just to spend some concentrated time with them; I so rarely get to do that. They left on Friday afternoon, dropping me off at la Católica metro stop on the way out of town from our final lunch after Concha y Toro (whose website ought to be taken out and shot, or at least corrected). I finished my end of the FAFSA Consortium Agreement crap (finally) and left them for Katty to finish and fax on to Jennifer Myers on Monday. Ugh. This would not be a problem if anyone, anyone at all, had told me I needed to fill out such a form BEFORE I left the damn country. You'd think being in a program like the RC would take care of a bureaucratic oversight like that, but not this time. Oh well. Then I spent the past couple of days pretty much with Vale, walking around and watching movies and following the Pequeña Gigante (YouTube of her in London). It was really cool but less cool because there were more than 50,000 other people there, too, and so it was kind of hard to see sometimes. Tomorrow I'm going to get up, pack, go see her again (and hopefully take some pics) as she looks for her hidden rhinoceros, which wreaked havoc on a couple of buses the day before she showed up to look for it (Grandpa and Marinell, what we saw was caused by the rhinoceros escaping). She dances, showers, sticks her tongue out, swings kids on her arms, dances to music, blinks, moves her eyes, eats ice cream, pees, changes her clothes and sleeps--and her chest moves as if she was breathing. Amazing. Thank you, Royal Deluxe. Anyhow bedtime now. 'Night!

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