Sunday, August 20, 2006

while i'm thinking of it...

Here are some pics. Also, a thing I noticed the other day and like a lot: words that are cognates from English to Spanish and translate more or less directly back and forth, but that don't work exactly the same way. Like, "stupendous" and "estupendo." In English, you really only use stupendous when you're making a joke; it's kind of an old-fashioned, extreme word to use. But in Spanish, estupendo is commonplace. Anyhow, here are a few pics from the past couple of trips. I'll go back and add more later, but this is just to give an idea of where I've been.

"Just go to number 18, knock on the door and ask for Pancho..."

Isla Damas

Guanacos on the road to Isla Damas. They're the most common camelid in the Western Hemisphere and the most durable, and they're standing on the hills that are all over the part of the country north of Santiago that are semiarid and remind me of nothing more than clove oranges.

Me and Durham in our mining gear


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