Wednesday, August 30, 2006

it's almost september...holy crap

Well, spring is in the air, at least. Not at the moment. At the moment it's 55 degrees inside and colder and raining outside. But the trees on my street have started to bloom and all over the place flowers are opening up and the weather, despite setbacks like today and apparently most of the weekend (bummer), has been getting steadily warmer and sunnier. Today was a looong day for classes. Wednesdays are usually my worst day, with 4.5 hours of class, but it got bumped to 6 today because Rosa, my Spanish professor, decided that we needed to make up for lost time due to a prescheduled holiday. I am still trying to figure out how that makes sense, can anyone help me out here? Prescheduled holiday, she failed to plan for it, we are punished. The logic is faulty somewhere. Oh well. That and I had two essays due in my Chile, los chilenos y su cultura class. I worked on the first one for a long time last night and then got really fed up with Spanish and ended up killing time and talking to Katy, a friend from Michigan who's going to be one of my travel partners this summer (winter). It had been a while and she cracks me up, so that was fun. I woke up early this morning, finished the first essay and did the reading for the second one, showered and ate breakfast, and left for noon class. I did the second essay in between Spanish and Chile, los blah blah blah, which was all right because it was a short essay in any case. Still, it was dumb and I won't get caught doing that again. I talked my way out of the last half hour of Spanish to work on it, so that was good, I guess. Spanish class is boring enough for an hour and a half, after another hour my brain was beginning to shut down.

Chile, los blah blah blah is a really interesting class. Our prof is really cool and seems to know a lot and think a lot and he's funny and clear. Funnily, today there was a new girl in class and as we were waiting outside for the prof to let us in, she said, "Hey, you play ultimate, right?" Turns out she played last Thursday and is planning to continute through the semester in the league, like me. And then, after class, a girl came up to me and said, "Hey, you're a friend of Kelly Anne's, right?" Turns out she was at the party last weekend, I met her briefly. So two people in that class that I also know in totally separate ways. It's a small city, I guess. As small as a 6-million person city can be. In other news, Rosie and I made up for real, which was good. After saying good night to her (we have that class together) I came home, demolished the delicious meal Luz María had made for me (charquicán with beef and a salad) and also threw some pebre on toast and ate that, too. I thought briefly about going to Miercoles Poh, the weekly party la Católica throws for foreign kids that is apparently really fun, then realized that I'm exhausted, it's nasty out, and this week the club they're having it at is even farther away than I'm used to going for parties. So, in short, fuck that. I watched TV, read the newspaper, talked to Luz María and Francisco, came in here and have been being unproductive ever since. Tomorrow, no class til three, but I have to wake up and figure out the stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid system for getting readings from INAP, which is the department my class in la Chile is in. I would vent about it, but I have done that twice today and to start to write about it would just get my blood boiling again. Another time. Anyhow, I'm going to bed; Luz María gave me her copy of Inés: Del Alma Mía, Isabel Allende's newest novel, about the lover of Pedro de Valdivia, who was on Pizarro's crew and helped found Chile (there's a lot of stuff here named after him), so I'll read that for a bit and then be out like a light. That's the plan, anyway. 'Night.

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