Tuesday, November 01, 2016

stuck in customs

My two big boxes of stuff have been stuck in customs in Lahore for more than a week, and just today I found out why: There's an import restriction on items with a value over PKR 20,000, and because the dollar is so strong right now, the $200 valuation FedEx told me to put on the packages is worth PKR 21,000. So I had to print out and sign a form authorizing FedEx to pay all the relevant duties and fees, for which of course they'll turn around and charge me. Slightly irritating, but also relieving. Also another item on the list of "things about which the HR/admin department has been helpful but not particularly organized."

In the objectives I drafted last night, one is about improving the P&P team's systems. That is a big enough chunk to bite off for the next nine months. But it was a little hard not to expand it to include other systems, given how (seemingly) easy it would be to improve new-staff processes. For example, the creation of a standard checklist would help. And while I have a phone extension list, it would be really helpful to have an organizational chart showing who does what, with whom.

Anyway I'll cross that bridge if and when I end up hiring someone.

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