Wednesday, November 02, 2016

high security

Got my first real taste a few minutes ago of the downside of living in a place where security, especially for diplomats, is over the top. There's an ultimate game at the British Club on Wednesday nights that I got invited to join. Great: the entrance to the diplomatic enclave nearest the Serena is less than a ten-minute walk away. Some guy has volunteered to sign people in who don't already have access cards. I've been in and out of the enclave a few times so far so I think I know the drill. But. I have forgotten a step. Signing people in happens at the individual embassy, in this case the British High Commission. You're on your own to get into the enclave in general. Until a few months ago, you could do that by just flashing a foreign passport at the guards. But recently they've tightened up and you need either (A) to be entering in a car with diplomatic plates; (B) to be entering accompanied by a person with a membership card that allows them to bring guests inside; or (C) to have a membership card yourself. Membership, in this case, means with one of the embassy clubs: French, British, Australian, American, Canadian, probably others.

After waiting for five minutes or so by the main gate, I called the guy who'd invited me, and after talking with him for two seconds realized my error: I was stuck at the outer gate, and passage through the outer gate is assumed. He was apologetic but not about to come fetch me himself: The game was about to start.

So, deflating and frustrating. I'm fucking American! Can't get to my own embassy without a stupid card that I have to pay for! Needless to say, getting one of those damn cards is high on the list of things to take care of posthaste. Might even just join the British Club tomorrow to get it out of the way: I'm meeting one of my new friends there for dinner (he'll come fetch me) and they have tennis courts.


Otherwise the day was good. Found a place to live, in fact the one place I liked the first day. Liked it even more on the second visit, after seeing a bunch of other places, including a couple today that were pretty nice. It's cozy and private, in a great location, has a good-sized backyard, gas stove (but no oven), overhung with trees and covered in ivy. The main house, which faces the street, is disconnected entirely. The owner works for some oil and gas company and lives there with his family. Very pleased, although I think I will be replacing some of the furniture. Now the broker is negotiating with the owner over rent, and once that's done I'll sign the lease, pay three months' rent, and move in. Hopefully the timing of that will dovetail with my stuff arriving from Lahore. Next step: buying a pots, pans, sheets, and a car.

Also, I got my clearance to travel to KPK, which means that I can fly (helicopter wheeeeeee) up to Chitral on Monday with some senior people from WFP and DFID. It's a quick trip, up and back on the same day, but a great opportunity to see some work and spend time with one of our major and hopefully growing donors. 

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