Sunday, November 27, 2016

puppies in the park

Went for a hike this afternoon with RF, SRB, and another friend. It was a gorgeous day, 75 degrees and sunny with much better visibility than a few days back. We hemmed and hawed a bit about which trail to take and ended up choosing one that goes sideways instead of up the hills. Great choice: we had it completely to ourselves. The other trails get crowded on nice weekend days. We ended up in a park about a mile from my house that I'd never been to or even really noticed. Had an ice cream sandwich and then as we were leaving to walk back to where RF had parked his car, we noticed...PUPPIES! So many six-week old labs and German shepherds. Some young guys had brought them to the park to sell. Obviously, I'm not in the market, but man they were so damn cute. So we got on the ground and blissed out for a while. The guys were really nice and a couple of them spoke great English. They work as call center operators for U.S. insurance companies. Also, they're Christian. Best possible healing for the devastating loss last night, about which no more need be said.

On the way back SRB asked her driver to stop at Kohsar market so I could finally buy vegetables and meat. Now I have food to cook for the first time in Pakistan.

All in all, an exceptionally successful day.

Now, to get fitted for a tux and eat some Thai food.

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