Friday, November 03, 2006


I had a wonderful day until about an hour ago... Slept a lot, ate a tasty breakfast, went to class, weather was beautiful, went to frisbee, threw around a bit and met some cool people, came home, ate dinner, talked to the family, watched the GREAT season finale of ER. Then I got an email from Dad saying I'm a lot bigger financial trouble than I thought, and that it's my fault (he didn't say that because he's Dad and never would, but it is), and I got to thinking about how this summer/winter is looking like a financial nightmare (i.e. might not be able to happen), started reading about world affairs because I like to, and realized once again that being a sane, thinking liberal in these times is really, really depressing. We're fucked. We really are. Our government is shot to shit, our press is shot to shit, Americans are going off the deep end and turning against the found principles of our nation, the political discourse at all levels of society, even amongst liberals, is dominated by shameless, disgusting, batshit-crazy fascists like Rush "Pills" Limbaugh and Dick Cheney, everyone in the world hates us -- and with reason -- and the way out depends on a group of very unpopular, marginalized people (real liberals) who would never be able to get anything done anyway because they spend too much time criticizing each other, on top of ripping the other side a new one every single day, to get anything progressive done. I really need to get out of the blogosphere for a little while, it's a scary place. Or maybe just stop reading Hullabaloo and Huffington Post and try to find some blogs by people who actually have something positive to say. The problem is that in my current state of mind, I have a hard time believing any of those. On top of that, I have no money, the government is constantly cutting funding for higher education so tuition is only going to rise, I have no way to get a job in which I'd make any useful amount of money (I could be a delivery boy or something under the table but it would be really hard and time-consuming for a very low reward), it's the last month of the semester and work is going to absolutely kill me for the next four weeks.

But the weather today turned out so nice, and I threw a frisbee...

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