Tuesday, November 28, 2006

lots to write about, not a lotta time

I'm in the final crunch for finals and make-up work and everything, so I'm sorry for not having posted at all this weekend. Quick summary: Friday night would have been really fun, and was for a little while, but ended with me very upset, much like last Saturday night. I'm not really going to elaborate beyond that, in the interest of time and comfort. Suffice it to say that I ended up hurt and furious both times, and both times had to do with Rosie. But Saturday, I woke up, really hung over, and began to make my pumpkin bread in anticipation of the COPA kids' pot luck Thanksgiving, at Amalia's house. It was a lot harder than expected, due to the paucity of bread molds in the house (I ended up using a 7.75x5 cake pan and a bundt cake pan) and to the fact that in lieu of temperatures, the oven dial has, "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8," written on it. So I had to improvise a little, and both cakes ended up burnt, but Luz María fixed that right up with a little grating and I was on my way to the party. It was fun, even though I was still thinking very heavily about the previous night and ended up just being very quiet for a lot of the time. Amalia's house has a pool and it was a beautiful day, so we sat outside and some people (myself included) went in and that was very nice.

Sunday morning we had a mandatory meeting at the Ñuñoa fire fighter's company 3 station at 9:30 in the damn morning, where we filled out paperwork, got back the letters we'd written to ourselves during orientation, etc., and then...this is so cool...wait for it...got to ride in a 1949 fire truck around Ñuñoa and to the company's practice facility, where we got to shoot the fire hoses (at full pressure!) and have competitions and everything, and then back to the fire station for some quality empanadas and play ping pong. Everyone dispersed and Rosie came back to my house, where I changed clothes (we were dirty from all the mud the fire hoses churned up). Things have been very strained and weird between us for a few weeks, and we ended up having a good talk about it and then started planning our end-of-year trip to Chiloé, which we both got really excited about.

Today I met up with Julia (!) and her friend Ian, who are done with their Bs As program and are visiting Stgo and Valpo, and walked around with them for a while. We tried to go to a couple museums, but I had forgotten that they're all closed Mondays. So we ended up climbing Santa Lucia and then going for lunch at the place across the street from COPA. Then they peeled off and went to San Cristobal, I went to the COPA office, talked to Tim and said happy birthday to Vale, went to my last Spanish class (oh yes...oh yes) came home, talked to Luz María, whom I will recommend for canonization the next time I find myself in a Catholic church, and her friend, went to Indian food for Vale's birthday (the place is super pricey, but I just ate some paella and fish and a salad beforehand and got an appetizer and rice and a juice at the place...still cost me 12 bucks). The food at that place is really good, I had a few bites of other people's stuff and Rosie's was absolutely amazing (some kind of lamb thing) and Vale's was hoooootttttttt. Delicious. At the end she ended up passing the bowl back to me for more and more bites...so painful, so tasty. Anyhow, then I came home, had a really nice talk with Dad and Jack and Mom, and now I'm writing this and so tired and have to write essays. And Julia is town, so I have to meet up with her tomorrow, then take a make-up Spanish test...Gosh. I think I'll just go to bed right now, get a good 8 hours tonight, wake up, write a little, meet her and Ian, take my test, come home and write more and just not write tomorrow. Good plan. Time to put in action. Ready, go. I promise more in-depth blogging sometime in the not-too-distant future. 'Night!

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