Wednesday, September 20, 2006

t-minus 6 hours

Well, I'm leaving my front door a little before 10 tomorrow morning for Buenos Aires. It's 4:15 in the morning and I haven't started packing. Too much else going on in this little head of mine and then too much use of TV to distract myself. Thank you, CSI/Law & Order/Charmed/ESPN/Scrubs. I felt a little sick today, I think as a carry-over from the absolutely insane amount of food I ate yesterday at Luz MarĂ­a's barbecue. But not so much anymore. Sorry I haven't been writing as much as I should on here, I want to write more but it's been a busy few days. I'll definitely be posting from Argentina. Anyhow, time to decide between packing now and packing in the morning. And by that I mean in 4 hours when I wake up. Better start now. 'Night!

1 comment:

Larry said...

So how's Buenos Aires, Barullo? Some of your readers are curious.