Sunday, June 26, 2011

sweet lassi

My favorite Pakistani foodstuff, for sure, is sweet lassi.

Thought I was going to the office today because Afghanistan's weekend is Friday-Saturday and for some reason I remembered it being that way here, too. I spent 10 minutes with the beshotgunned guard of the Serena Business Complex, waiting for him to talk to the right person to figure out what the f I was doing there. Then I realized there was no one in the office and he realized that I hadn't understood that before. So instead I bopped around, worked out twice (jumping and lifting in the morning, light jogging core and stretching in the evening) and hung out by the now-open pool (next time I will remember my bathing suit).

Just had dinner in the buffet place. I'm not sure I'd ever sent food back before, but the guy at the pasta station made the exact opposite of what I asked for -- only olives instead of everything but olives. I repeated myself several times, pointed at the various ingredients. All the staff here speak English, although this guy obviously not well enough to understand an order. The fact that I was so irritated about it is kind of embarrassing. Ties into the whole discomfort I talked about the last time I was here with the staff-as-servants thing that I guess comes with that fifth star.

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