Sunday, June 24, 2007

i will never again bowl at mall plaza vespucio

WARNING: This post has a lot of cuss words. Apologies in advance.

After the closing academic stuff with COPA yesterday in (snow-covered!) Cajon de Maipo, which were actually not that bad, Vale and I decided to go bowling. The idea had come up after the form-filling ended, but no one was interested, so we went by ourselves. It was really fun, after an execrable start by me (0-1-1 for a three-frame total of 2). Vale rolled a 105(!) in the first game and I rolled an 88. Bowling is nice because, well, when I'm not with Lincoln and Jack, I don't care about losing. At all. We were both having a blast and in the second game I really got on a roll, no pun intended, with four strikes in a row! The best bowling game of my entire life! In the 9th frame I rolled a 9, giving me a 121 in the 7th frame. And then the motherfucking lane turned off. We'd paid for only a half hour, and once that half hour was up the piece of shit just shut down. No matter that we were THREE FRAMES TOTAL FROM FINISHING. And that I was on the cusp of bowling the best game of my life, feeling so happy. I didn't get it at first, but the girl at the counter said there was nothing she could do because they were closing soon. It was out of her power to turn the lane back on for three minutes. I was so mad I couldn't speak. Had I been in the States I would have argued, whined, pleaded, whatever, but in my furious state I couldn't even begin to get the words out in Spanish. The dumbest fucking shit ever is the phrase that kept repeating in my head. Vale was still in "we're just having fun" mode, not "oh my God this is something special to me because I have never even come close to doing this well" mode, so she didn't get why I was so furious. Still, she got that I was, so we left in relative silence.

She told me when we got back that she had been a little scared, not so much by me being angry (she's seen me mad before, mostly about the stupefying IFSA bureaucracy) but by how fast I went from incredibly happy to flat and speechless. It was a little weird, to be sure. But I recovered by the time we got back.

Today will be a day for working on my Armed Conflict final, which I want to turn in on Tuesday, and then at five heading over to give the Fulham Cohens some things to take back for me. Cori is going to spend the night here tonight while her family flies back to the States; she leaves tomorrow for Bolivia to spend some time with her (Maryland) roommate's family. Also the return ticket situation remains frustrating. I haven't heard back again from Bonnie of Advantage Travel, but the latest word was that I'm on my own to book a one-way. Fuck that noise.

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