Monday, June 04, 2007

apparently blair 07 graduates today

Thank you, Julia S-M's away message. Congratulations, friends' younger siblings.

Today is a day of homicidal feelings against Skype, an astounding technology that betrayed me last night and today. Because it's just software, I feel no loyalty to it, and now I want to kill it, or at the very least, for it to acknowledge my attempts to add money to my account so I can call home. Jack is there and I haven't talked to him in a bajillion years and it was so wonderful to hear his voice last night even for two minutes. I told him I'd call today but Skype is still telling me to go fuck myself, so I'm kind of stuck. Hopefully someone at home will finally get Skype today and we can talk for free, Skype credit be damned.

Okay, I need to go do some (a lot of) work now. Deep breaths all around, I can't wait for yoga tonight.

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