Wednesday, May 16, 2007

the sky is contemptuous of us

Yesterday, it finally rained, for the first time in almost three months. But it didn't REALLY rain, it kind of drizzled for most of the morning. What we need is a day of steady rain. The sky knows this, but instead of giving us what it knows we need, it decided that our complaints about its smoggy state were worth nothing more than spitting on, so that's what it did. The smog is as bad as before, and it's sunny today. Damn it.

The proposal I was working on on Monday was rejected by the TA for Sistemas Electorales, and I suppose, in retrospect, that she was right to. So I'll have to rethink that--I'd like to stick with the super-presidentialisms of recent Venezuela and the U.S., but maybe add Russia, or conversely study the way party cleavages break down in very homogeneous societies...something. But once again I find myself with a bunch of work to do this morning, this time for the Conflicto Armado presentation on Nigeria tomorrow. I have to be down at San Joaquin at 3 with my part of the presentation basically done. Ugh. Oh well, it's all right, I've just got to buckle down and do it, it's not that hard--I'll only be talking for like four minutes anyway.

In other news, I think Cori is going to come over tonight to Vale's with her friend Bessie so they can practice Spanish with us; apparently she learned a ton the last time she came over. Vale practically squealed she was so happy when I told her, she really likes Cori and she also really likes the idea that her home can be a place where people can feel comfortable and learn things. She's an amazingly hospitable person. And now, the Niger Delta must command my full attention. Wish me luck.

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