Wednesday, May 16, 2007

pili met tipper gore

I forgot to mention this before, but last night at dinner Pili (my host sister) told me that she'd met Tipper Gore at work when the former second lady (Al has been here giving some seriously expensive lectures about global warming) came in to buy some wine. Apparently Tipper was very nice, had a glass with Pili, said she'd send her an autographed copy of Al's most recent book (or maybe it's one they co-got-it-ghost-written?), and spent a million pesos on 12 bottles of wine (about 2000 dollars). Much as Tipper Gore irritates me because her one big cause (at least the one people my age know about) was censoring a lot of the music that I like, I think it's pretty cool that Pili got to meet her. Then again all my friends who went to Sidwell have probably met the Gores, too, but whatever. We're in Santiago, it's definitely cooler than John McCain having been the last person to sign the Pinochet Foundation guest book before me and Katie.

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