Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Milan 2-1 Liverpool

I'm not the world's biggest soccer fan by any means, but being in Latin America it's pretty hard not to follow these things at least a little bit. The match today was not very high-quality (the commentators kept talking about all the errors that were being made by each side, but especially Liverpool) but still, high-level, high-stakes soccer is beautiful to watch, and soccer fans are just as crazy and loud as any group of college football or basketball fans. Sorry, Liverpool, but Milan just outplayed you, like they were supposed to in 05. I wanted to root for you because you're from the English-speaking world, but Milan has two players whose names sound like "caca" and that's enough to win my temporary fandom.

And now, back to the reading I've been doing all day (even during the game--I know! My powers of concentration are legendary...) to catch up for Electoral Systems and for my test tomorrow in Armed Conflict.

Here's a link to ESPN's coverage of the game. Soccer reporting is very different from, say, basketball or football reporting. It's kind of old-fashioned, reminds me of the way old Silver Chips game coverages from the 60s sound. "The speedy former Arsenal man was by far the Reds most effective performer and visibly rose in confidence after having one early shot parried away by Dida." Silly.

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