Tuesday, December 19, 2006

yesterday and today

Yesterday I bought our bus tickets for Temuco in the south and then met up with Vickie and Dur and Gaby in Patio Bellavista, where they were doing some last-minute shopping (well, not Gaby) for people back home. We walked around for a while, I got a delicious frozen ice cream-type-thing made from frozen raspberries and confectioner's sugar and a big frozen bar of chocolate all smashed together into the consistency of frozen yogurt. With sprinkles and chunks of honeydew, to boot. Delicious. Then Dur and I split off (Vickie had to go pack and Gaby had to work on college apps) and went to another feria so she could get her last two presents, which she did, and then we went to Emporio La Rosa and I got a chocolate milkshake and all was right in the world. Luz María's niece was here when I got home, and we chatted for a while and she recommended a terrific-sounding seafood place near Viña that maybe we'll get to when MDLJ are all here. We (the shoppers plus Vale, Tim B and his ex-boyfriend Raúl) went to the whole-wheat empanada place for dinner (verdict: deeeeeelicious) and then got a bottle of wine at another Barrio Brasil place for Vickie's last night in Stgo! This whole goodbye thing is the weirdest of my life to date, because in high school I knew I'd run into people when I came home, and could keep in touch with the knowledge that I'd see my friends again, and in college the vast majority of my friends are my year or younger, so I knew I'd see them all again when I came back (not the seniors, which was sad, but I have so many OTHER friends at Michigan that it wasn't as big a deal), but here I'm saying goodbye with the knowledge that the soonest I'll see ANY of my friends here again is hopefully Rosie, next summer, and after that I might not see anyone again for years if at all. Well except hopefully her.

Anyhow, today I woke up, ate breakfast, lazed, wrote various emails to Mom, ate lunch, ran (wonderful wonderful wonderful), stretched and showered, and now I'm here writing this. And in just a little bit more than 12 hours, I'll be meeting Lincoln in the airport! And in about 26 hours I'll be saying goodbye to Rosie and Durham and Tim B! Shit! The next 24 hours are gonna be nuts.

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