Sunday, December 10, 2006

everyone left for rio

Yesterday afternoon I went over to Rosie's to meet up before heading over to Durham's for some trip-story sharing and to gather the troops for a trip to the whole wheat empanada place in Barrio Brasil. But at Rosie's the visit turned into a full-blown asado lunch, complete with multiple kinds of meat, rice, pisco sours and salad. Her host mom's ex-husband was over and had whipped all this stuff up--it was delicious! I'd eaten lunch at home not long before, so I didn't have a whole lot of room, but man I wish I'd had more. Oh well. We went to Dur's, shared some stories, the best by far being "Tim fell of a cliff." Solid gold, that one. Dur almost crapped her pants, she laughed so hard. Vickie came over and we hung out a little while longer before heading to Barrio Brasil. The empanada place was, of course, closed, for unexplained reasons. But we had met up with Vale and she knew of another cool place, so we went there and got some really good pasta and sandwiches and whatnot. Amalia was there too, and Tim B and his friend Gretchen came a little later. The Rio kids (Vickie Dur Amalia) left around 10:30 to catch their flight, and Vale left early to go be with her sister, who's in town from Concepción to visit her. But me and Rosie and Tim and Gretchen hung out a little while longer, paid and went to Barroco, a cool and cheap bar that's right on Plaza Brasil, for a drink. We didn't linger too long, though, cause everyone was tired. Got home around 1:30, just minutes after Luz María got home from her lunch at her friend's house (yes, I did say lunch, and yes, that was 1:30 in the morning), and promptly fell asleep. And now, the un-boring part of this post: a few highlight photos from the trip south.

Volcan Osorno

Me with the 700+ year old Laurel

View from our restaurant the first night in Castro

Palafitos in Castro--little houses built into the sides of hills so that they look normal from the street but actually rest mostly on stilts in the water.

View of Castro from the Mirador Ten Ten

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