Saturday, December 31, 2016


Phuket redeemed itself in a big way last night. After spending the day on Phi Phi, which was lovely and I wish I'd spent more time there, I relocated to Patong, the main party town on the island. This was triply good. One, the place I stayed was friendlier than in Kata. Two, the guy recommended a restaurant for dinner that was the best meal I had in Thailand: fried kale and crispy pork and yummy pad thai and a beer for $4. Three, after wandering around the sensory overload that is the main drag, a woman asked me to take a pic of her and her group. I happily obliged and then asked where they were from. They said Serbia. I said where are you going and they said the beach. I said mind if I join you? They said sure. Hey presto, NYE friends!

The beach was packed, bumpin music, hundreds of Chinese lanterns floating into the sky, beer and Serbian moonshine, a thirty-second countdown, silly string, fireworks, a grin on my face. Happy. Plus I'll get some good recommendations for my trip with M&D in March.

On to Singapore. 

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