Saturday, April 05, 2014

the first week

Feels like time has passed more quickly this week than on typical trips. That's partly because work has been really busy and productive: days filled with meetings and nights filled with writing and talking with people back in DC. I'm pretty tired as I write this so I'm going to keep it short, but I'll put up a few words tomorrow about the highlights.

***NEXT DAY***

So it turns out I was getting sick last night and that's why the above is a bit incoherent and stupid-sounding. I woke up with a pounding headache this morning and had a hard time eating breakfast, and it's definitely not from the two light beers I had last night with M from Geneva. Come to think of it, I started feeling woozy before I went to bed. I feel a bit better now, well enough to make eye contact with the computer screen, of course. Must have been something I ate last night, although other than feeling a bit sensitive this morning I didn't have any GI problems. It's not dehydration, as I've been drinking plenty of water.

Anyway, it's been a pretty eventful week, as my babble from last night indicates. The highlight was probably Friday morning, when I joined a high-level meeting at the Ismaili Center that started with a tour of the place. It is a spectacularly good place to introduce someone to the Network: beautiful, and grand in a way that really stands out from the tacky, cheap-looking architecture that's the norm here for important buildings. "Look what we can build, look how committed we are to this place." Meanwhile the world's largest chaikhona (tea house) is going in across the street and it is a deliriously ugly building.

A colleague (friend? she's invited me over for a group dinner so perhaps I can say friend at this point) from AID invited me out last night, to a new night spot here called the Cotton Club, but I didn't make it due to the aforementioned wooziness. Still, it was nice to get out of my room and hang out with M a bit without talking about work at all. And it was nice to be invited, gives me hope for next weekend not being pure pain just waiting to get out of here. M and I ended up talking over coffee this morning, as well, as I tried to will away my headache.

In other news, Kentucky and UConn are playing in the NCAA tournament final, a fact which depresses me slightly. I'm going to try to get out today, maybe see if I can find a couple of movies to watch that are subtitled, rather than dubbed. And I'll have to do some work, as well, writing up a meeting note and starting to put together the framework that the pieces of the proposal that I'm expecting to come in this week will hang on.

That's it for now, I guess. Still a bit out of it.

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