Sunday, April 13, 2014


Benefit of being overseas: Pacquiao-Bradley is not on PPV, it's on the 24-hour boxing/MMA channel in the hotel room. I don't always watch boxing, but when I do, it's a fight this big. Just ended, Bradley thinks he won, I don't think he won. Neither do the judges. Unanimous for Manny. Revenge.

Yesterday ended up being nice. I did a little work in the morning and then met BS for lunch at Segafreddo -- the restaurant takes its name from the coffee brand -- and had pasta (!!!) and a salad and a beer. And two cappuccinos. Then we went across the street to TsUM, the main mall here. I was vaguely looking to buy a suzani, the traditional Tajik embroidered decorative blanket. Aaaand I found one. Here's a few pics of the mall, and my new suzani at the end. (Click to embiggen.)

Beate also lent me her movie hard drive, so I watched "The Usual Suspects" for the first time since high school last night. That movie is almost 20 years old, kind of hard to believe.

Today I'm going to write the bulk of my trip report and continue to work on the proposal. Will take a break to watch "True Detective" at some point and then at 7 NK is coming by and we're going to walk over to some place nearby for dinner and a beer. Then it'll be pack, nap, wake, plane.

The weekend has not been as bad as I feared. Turns out things get easier when you start to develop relationships with people and can actually break up the hotel room time with sustained interactions with others. Couple of other notes on the trip:

1. I am going to get a Kindle. They're just too practical. It sucked finishing one book and then having with me just one other, which I don't like all that much.
2. I get too much screen time. My attention span is shorter than it was, I'm sure of it, and there are loads of productive things I could be doing but don't because it's easier to channel flip or read articles online. Don't get me wrong, there are some great things on TV and some amazing writing shooting through the intertubes, but enough is enough. I resolve to spend less time watching TV and less time online at home when I get back to the States.
3. Here are a few things I'm excited for when I get back: "Captain America 2: The Winter Soldier"; the cherry blossoms; reading some books, including Their Eyes Were Watching God, by Zora Neale Hurston, Feminism is for Everybody, by bell hooks, The Nature of Things, by Lucretius, The Gifts of the State and Other Stories, by a collection of Afghan writers, and so many others; milkshakes; seeing C; seeing all my friends who I haven't seen in WEEKS.

That's all for now, better be a little productive. Unfortunately that means more screen time. C'est la vie. 

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