Thursday, June 20, 2013

last night in kabul

Today was good, a little more relaxed than it's been here. What an intense few days, it's hard to believe that I haven't even been here a week. Talked with Dad early this morning (Mom was at an event), which was very nice as usual. Did work all morning in my room (in the quiet! with no one around!), ate lunch, then went to the office for a meeting with the AID environmental guy. That went fine, then did some more work, then met with Akhtar to debrief about the week. He got excellent feedback about the workshop, which was great to hear and very nice of him to volunteer to me -- I didn't even ask, it wouldn't even occur to me to ask a CEO. He just told me.

Was at the office later than I meant so no chance for shopping, but that's alright. I'll try the terra incognita of Tajikistan next week. I can't wait to go, although it's going to be a bit crazy with work the first three days. Tajikistan is so similar and yet so, so different from Afghanistan. Historically northeastern Afghanistan and southern Tajikistan are of a piece -- same language, same terrain. But Tajikistan was a Soviet Socialist Republic. The Soviet foray into Afghanistan, well, we know how that went.

Tomorrow morning I'll take it easy, pack, and then head to the airport at 11. My next post will probably be from Dubai, then hello, Dushanbe!

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