Tuesday, April 10, 2007


It really pisses me off when I read something about some idiot congressman or pundit ranting about illegal immigration and how it's destroying our country. In fact, I can barely read the Samuel Huntington articles we're supposed to read for Armed Conflict, even though his work in the area is seminal and has nothing to do with immigration to the States per se, because all I can think about when I see his name is the headline "José, can you see" on the cover of Foreign Affairs. Racist, racist, racist. We're ALL immigrants, you fucking morons! Practically no one in our country has roots going back more than a hundred or two hundred years. We should be welcoming immigrants with open arms, we should be learning Spanish and Chinese and Arabic, and instead we're getting our panties in a bunch about the "brown tide" and how Spanish is going to dilute our supposedly "pure" American English culture. One of the reasons Vale doesn't want to go to the States in July for her friend's wedding is because of the horror stories her friends (including Isa) tell about going through customs as non-natives. It's shameful.

1 comment:

KC said...

Stinky cheese. Big butts. Something else inappropriate.

That is all.