Tuesday, April 17, 2007

i don't like when everyone uses the american flag to make themselves look dignified and important

It's just kind of tacky and stupid. The American flag should not be associated with any organization other than the United States of America. Come up with your own damn logo. I am crotchety and 176 years old. Also, no one, but no one, should have the name of their college or any associated logo tattooed onto their body. There is literally nothing tackier, except maybe the logo of a professional sports team. Except those badasses in BA who have the Boca Juniors logo on their biceps or something. That's cool, if a little insane. There's a reason the Boca/River games have 20-foot fences and huge dry moats surrounding the field.

Anyhow, life is going swimmingly. I had a good weekend...I went up to Cecilia and Rodrigo's house, had a good time with them and Vale. On Sunday morning Vale and I hiked up a big hill way up there with great views, cows and horses and even a hawk that flew really close to us as we were climbing. I tried to get a picture but, well, it's a fast-moving bird. Here's a couple views from the walk:

After frisbee on Sunday, a bunch of us went and got smoothies and then when I got home, I showered, ate Kiko's delicious cazuela and fell asleep with my clothes and the lights on on top of my blankets at about 11. Yesterday I didn't have class, but I read a lot all day and then went to yoga, which was great. Today was uneventful, except for the first clause of the next sentence; I went to class, which was cancelled, waited around for my other class, which was kind of boring, then came to Vale's, where I've been ever since. I talked to Mom and Dad, which was great, and left a happy birthday message for Uncle John, and soon I'm going to go home and eat and go to bed. These sentences are dry because Vale's watching "Friends" and it's really distracting. Oh man. That's enough for now, I promise a more interesting post soon.

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