Thursday, June 22, 2006

my new best friend

I've made friends with a super-righty! Isn't that exciting? Someone IS reading my blog. Hokey smokes. His name is K and I don't know anything about him other than that we disagree on just about everything and each thinks the other is criminally stupid. I've added a link to his blog, just so any of my sane friends who'd like to get a picture of just how the other half thinks can give it a look. It's over there, down BELOW Hullabaloo and Informed Comment. Here's an excerpt from a comment he wrote today on my post of two days ago (first sentence removed because context is complicated):

"You are against NSA spying on terrorists because you see it as a way to weaken Bush. What about the logical arguments for spying on terrorists who call the US?

"See, many liberals are so angry at Bush and KKKarl Rove that they don't let facts get in the way of their feelings.

"That's where you are now.

"You have every right to hate him, but when you let that hatred get in the way of all logical thought & reasoning, I'll call you on it every time."

Silly K, Trix are for kids! Here's my response, bud.

I think we must be working with different "facts." And pardon me, Mr. Evangelical man, but since WHEN is it people like me (who still cling dearly to the legacy of the Enlightenment) who have abandoned logic and reasoning? I mean, isn't that the whole POINT of diehard fundamentalism? To let reason--because no amount of reasoning could ever come to the various and conflicting conclusions that the Bible (John in particular) does about Jesus or God--be overcome by blind faith?

That's the damn problem with this country. Not that nutjob liberals have let their hate of the Idiot Prince get in the way of clear thinking (and they have, there's no doubt about that and I freely admit it). It's that nutjob evangelicals are trying to tear us away from our roots and send us sailing back to a simpler time, where science didn't exist and might made right.

The thing is, I don't have a problem with faith, just like you don't have a problem with anger. I have faith in some things. Not in Jesus' ability to save my soul or judge me, but in the power of, well, logical thought and reasoning.

For the record, I think spying on terrorists who call the US is fine, I just don't want Bush to have a copy of my phone records. Or anyone else in this country's, without a warrant from a judge. It's called rule of law, and I would rather enjoy returning to a state of mind in which I didn't have to worry that the most powerful law enforcement officer in this country thought he was above our founding and most important laws.


K said...

Point by point:

-I appreciate the link, although I don't see it.

-Like many liberals, you claim to be Johnny Facts & Logic, yet are the one to degrade any valid point you may have with name-calling and invective. Who's abandoning logic now?

-Glad you admit that you have let hatred get in the way of reason. Admitting your problem is the first step.

-If the NSA spying were truly against the law, do you not think that every single Dem in Congress would have held impeachment hearings by now? Or at least had the case before SCOTUS? I do. The fact that they haven't would tend to lead one to believe that these are indeed legal.

You see, I like to find liberal bloggers like you, primarily small-time like myself. That's because 2/3 of the time, when someone like me comes along and responds to your comments with something other than an echo chamber, you fall apart with rage that someone can present a logical picture of the "other side".

Happy blogging.

I'll be back, and I want that link.

Mister Suss said...

The link is there, dear friend. I just added it AFTER I posted. You must have checked and commented in the intervening period.

Point by point:

-Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, etc. Please, PLEASE don't talk to me about name-calling and invective

-By hatred getting the way of reason, I mean that the Dems are so fixated on how bad Bush is that they can't see their way to any kind of real alternative. This is a problem for the left, I know. It doesn't mean that said hatred is unwarranted.

-The Dems in Congress can't hold impeachment hearings about anything because A) they're a minority and B) for the most part they have balls the size of small amoebas.

Your picture is not logical. At all. In fact, I wish it was more logical, because then it might actually present a challenge to my views, rather than just amusement and reinforcement for my feeling that bipartisanship is worthless. That being said, please keep posting. I'm enjoying this small-time liberal vs. small-time born-again neocon tete-a-tete (see, I must be liberal! I used a French phrase! I'm going to hell!). In fact, you've inspired me to start looking for other conservative blogs to bitch on. YAY!

Mister Suss said...

A clarification, to K (and others) in case you didn't notice it: The link is called, "my new BFFAE K." if you are older than 30, and I suspect that you are although I really have no idea (the beauty of the internet--everyone starts on the same page), BFFAE means "best friend forever and ever" in 9-year-old-girl speak. And because I sometimes feel you have the intellectual capacity (although probably not the imagination) of a 9-year-old girl, it seemed appropriate.

K said...

-I'm not bringing Barbara Boxer & AL Franken into this, so there's no need for you to bring Rush & Ann into this. I am talking about YOUR name calling. You you you. See 9-year old girl comment above.

-Whether the hatred was unwarranted or not hasn't come up. I'm just saying that it's a failure to let it get in the way of logic, and you admit it.

-We both know it would be in court if it were illegal, enough people hate him, My point stands.

So, now that we get through the complete illogicality of anything you have heretofore said, you then retreat to generalities and asinities: "You're not logical, but I wish you were."
