Friday, June 16, 2006

bloggidy blog blogs

well, i just posted a comment on digbysblog that was somewhat critical of something tristero (the other one who posts there) wrote this morning. i included a link to this blog, because they asked for one on the comment form and i am a sheep and will do whatever i am told under any circumstances. it was a good comment, too. i wonder if tristero or digby give two shits about what people say about their comments? i kind of doubt it. i like both of them most of the time, but they're pretty arrogant. doesn't mean they're not often funny and/or right. true about most of the big-time political blogs i read, i guess. daily kos, too. they all think they're the shit, they're the Next Big Thing in politics. but the problem is, a lot of americans still don't have internet access and a lot of the ones that do either don't know how to use it or don't give two shits what some pompous blogger in chicago thinks about world affairs. now, i don't know that for a FACT; like most of what comes out of my mouth or fingers, i made it up on the spot because it makes sense and sounds right. i could very well be wrong, and the netroots really will matter soon or NOW. but i don't think so. to conclude: this post has been, in a word, coherent.

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