Tuesday, June 06, 2006


i couldn't really think of a title for this post, so there you go. faj;iowe. anyhow, much has transpired since my last post. the city at peace shows were thursday, friday and saturday. i went and helped out on friday (kind of) after bringing lincoln his socks because, well, nevermind. it just occured to me that i can't be entirely candid on this thing because i don't know who's reading it. shit. oh well, i can still write most everything i can think of. in any event, i SAW the show on saturday. it was really good, a lot more theatrical than d.c. shows have been in a while, perhaps migrating a little more towards the new york model? but a couple of the scenes were AMAZING and they all had their moments. and afterwards, i took jack to audition. he was nervous but ended up having a great time! hurray, jack! then saturday night lincoln went to prom and me and dad and mom and jack went to 2 amy's for some ridiculous pizza. i had the norcia: salami, sweet peppers, mozzarella and grana. mmmmmmm...........and then i went to bed at 11:45. hey, i was exhausted. i should nap more.

to go a little out of order, friday night i hung out with robin and audrey and katie and katie's friend (kurt? kirk? he didn't talk much), and we watched trashy tv and i realized that i know altogether too much about celebrities. damn you, trent. back to the timeline, sunday was pretty uneventful, i think. i don't remember what i did most of the day, so it can't have been that important or interesting. oh, yes, i slept until 1:30. ahhhhh... uncle john came down in the evening and we went to the park and played frisbee golf, which was really fun, and then we ate dinner from costco, which never ceases to amaze me. costco is the shit. then after that i went and hung out with judy, which was also really fun, but don't see gosford park. it sucked. robert altman can't be awesome ALL the time, apparently.

yesterday was graduation, which was, in order: miserable uncomfortable (the ride over), interminable (the actual ceremony), and extremely stressful (everything after my conversation with my boss at 12:30, when i told her that i'd be later than i thought and she said, "okay" in that tone of voice that really says, "i can't believe you're doing this to me, but there's nothing i can do about it so just hurry the fuck up"). turns out she wasn't mad, but i thought she was so i flipped my shit. but it was okay in the end and after work i went straight to daleview to help out with lincoln's pool party. it was nice: beautiful day, water a nice temperature, good hamburgers. i really like all his friends. they're cool. then last night i just watched some boston legal and went to sleep. that show is awesome. okay, this post has gone on too long already. no social or political commentary this morning, i'm too tired to have opinions. HAH! just kidding. i'm too tired to write them down. peace.

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