Sunday, January 19, 2014

a funny realization

MJ and RK both emailed back with comments on the draft I finished and sent around 12:15 this morning. I appreciate the quick turnaround and it means I can get stuff to the teams here before I embark on the journey home. It does mean that I have to work now, but that's okay. I'm having a bit of trouble focusing. After hitting "publish" on my last post, I watched an entire 12.5km biathlon race (just over 30 minutes), attempted to nap (just over 30 minutes) and now have spent the past hour editing the draft in extremely distracted fashion. Many breaks to check Facebook, read articles, check the start times of the NFC and AFC championship games (if I'm awake at 1 AM and can find a decent feed I'll be able to watch kickoff of the former), read other articles, check Facebook again, etc. Chalk it up to a week straight of work and boredom: my mind is a-wandering.

Back to work in a second, but I wanted to add a funny observation I made this afternoon that had eluded me until today: Almost no one here wears glasses. I took my contacts out and switched to glasses before leaving for the museum earlier and the act of putting them on alerted me to the fact that pretty much no one on the street, none of the staff of the hotel (except the manager, who's Pakistani-Canadian), none of my Tajik colleagues - nobody wears them. It's curious. Too bad I'm leaving so soon or I'd ask someone here about it.

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