Monday, August 06, 2007


That means "cliff" in Spanish and it's the closest I could think of to "drop-off," even though the connotation "decrease in production" doesn't translate very well except in a complex metaphor. Whatever, I've been experiencing a drop-off in posting and I'm not entirely sure why, but I suppose mostly because I've been busy (couldn't you tell from my last post?) and without the energy needed to blog. Still, I should do it more and perhaps expect myself to write more than I have been. In lieu of writing right now, though, because it's 2 a.m. and I seem to have gotten up to my old trick of reading a really good book in bed, which is a terrible strategy for going to sleep, I'll just post a song, a freaking great cheer-up track that I got by accident from somebody who'd grouped it with "Buena Vista Social Club." Which it is, kind of; it's "Pa Mayte" by Carlos Vives featuring BVSC. Hope you like it.

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