Saturday, April 21, 2018


Today I ran 14.53 km, or just over 9 miles, with nine 60-second bursts at ~3:30/km pace (5:38/mile) sprinkled throughout. That is the farthest I've ever run, certainly farther than we ever went for cross country practice in high school (come to think of it, that might be why Blair was never very good at cross country). This represents progress. I'm excited about the two 5K races I've signed up for while I'm on my trip next month. My knees are a little achey, but that makes sense given the distance.

Heading to Tajikistan tonight for the first time since late 2015. Transit time in each direction is the same as getting home, even though a direct flight would be three hours at most. That's what you get for flying from one crappy airport to another, I guess. Whining aside, it'll be nice to see some people up there. I'm looking forward to it. Back in almost exactly a week. 

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