Monday, March 13, 2017


Well, Pakistan's atrocious drivers finally caught up with me. Got into a fender-bender on the way to work this morning when a Prado in front of me first swerved partway into my lane and then braked suddenly to a full stop while straddling the two lanes. For no apparent reason. I hit the brakes hard but bonked into his right rear bumper. Pulled over and got out to look at the damage to our cars. I can't have been going more than 5 mph by the time I bumped him, so apart from the headlight being busted and some warping of the bumper and fender the car's fine. Similar damage to his car. He got some nearby dude to try to interpret, sounded like they were trying to get me to go to a nearby house. Not to put too fine a point on it, but fuck that, I'm not going to some stranger's house to negotiate I don't know what in a language I don't speak. Called my friend AP, who's renting me the car, and he was not fussed at all, just told me to leave and then take pictures once I got to work and send them to him. So that's what I did.

Worried slightly that the guy would follow me after I took off, but he didn't. I'm fine, apart from being irritated. Checked in with myself while I was driving the rest of the way and after I got to the office, my heart rate isn't even elevated.

Glad my first ever car crash was in Pakistan, because in the States the person in back is always at fault and I'd be looking at a hefty rate hike. In this case I truly don't feel at fault. Many don't even use their mirrors. As it is I'm not sure I'll have any liability at all, although if I were AP I'd raise the rate next month. Interested to see how this all shakes out.